Category Archives: Uncategorized

Mattress Store Pulls 9/11 Mattress Ad

A San Antonio Mattress store is apologizing for their insensitive 9/11 mattress sale TV commercial. As they should be… VIA HUFFINGTON POSTMORE

Hot For Teacher! [VIDEO]

This 24 year old teacher couldn’t resist a 17 year old in her classroom. Watch the video to see her sexy selfies and why it was so hard to resist him! From Inside EditionMORE

Pooping, Farting, Fart, Poop…[VIDEO]

The PoopFarter takes over the C train in New York. And after “performance art” he didn’t ask for a dime! Pooping, farting, poop…fart…pooping… only in New York.MORE

Sexiest Drug Smugglers Ever!

Sexiest Drug Smugglers Ever!

  These two hotties spent weeks posting selfies in bikinis and then tried to smuggle $30 million worth of coke into Australia! CLICK HERE FOR THE STORY!MORE

2016 Bark in the Park

2016 Bark in the Park

Bark in the Park is back! 2016 Bark in the Park presented by Bennigan’s Saturday, September 24th from 10AM to 2PM at Chippawassee Park in Midland Admission is FREE! Don’t miss all the fun games like the popular weiner dog races plus cool giveaways, a free doggie photobooth and you will even have a chance…MORE

You were sooo close…

You were sooo close…

When you’re this close to closing the deal on a threesome in a car at a Publix. SEE THE STORY HEREMORE