We may have found Floyd Mayweather’s next opponent.… MORE

We may have found Floyd Mayweather’s next opponent.… MORE
I’m not entirely sure how this shark landed on a boat, but I don’t thinkĀ a ‘Sharknado’ was to blame.… MORE
It’s common knowledge that goats are jerks and thisĀ video helps prove that.… MORE
What does the fox say? Well, I guess we now know.… MORE
At this point, you’d think most people would know not to stick their head in a crocodile’s mouth, but here we are.… MORE
The ‘Planet Earth’ series is pretty awesome. It becomes infinitely more awesome, though, when narrated by everyone’s favorite rapper, Snoop Dogg.… MORE
You should never, and I mean NEVER, mess with a sea lion, which is a lesson this girl learned the hard way recently.… MORE
To keep up with our streak of ‘Adam’s Animal Stories’ this week, here’s a herd of cattle following a beaver. Why? We’re not entirely sure.… MORE
In case you missed it, April the Giraffe finally gave birth over the weekend. She followed that up by kicking a veterinarian right in the nuts.… MORE
It’s no secret that Adam loves his animal stories and cannot properly pronounce the word ‘raccoon,’ so this video is for him.… MORE