Sheena & Brad


Redneck Questionaire


How did you meet?
We met through a mutual friend.
Have you ever made out in the back of your truck?
A few times.
Can you burp and say your name at the same time?
You & the family go on vacation.  What do you definitely need to pack?
The kids, beer, and fire wood.
How many flannel shirts are in your wardrobe?  How many have sleeves?
At least every other one. Half.
Which do you have more of tattoos or teeth?
Tattoos at the moment. Waiting for my dentures.
What is the most interesting thing you’ve found mowing your lawn?
Cow bone.
Best band ever?
What’s the best thing to do on a Friday Night?
Bon fire and sleep
What family member is most likely to embarrass you at your wedding and what is it that they’ll do?
Everyone. Family riot
