Make Sure You Change Your Offensive Zoom Username Before Your Next Court Hearing [NSFW VIDEO]

If you have a court hearing on Zoom coming up in the not-too-distant future, make sure you double-check and then triple-check your username to make sure it isn’t something incredibly offensive, like Buttf*cker 3000.

A man in Michigan recently joined his Zoom court hearing with the unfortunate username mentioned above and the judge was NOT having it.

The one thing we don’t know is why his username was Buttf*cker 3000 in the first place. Did a buddy get a hold of his computer and change it? Did he jump on a Zoom with his friends months ago and think the username Buttf*cker 3000 was funny and hadn’t thought about it since that day?

Either way, consider this a reminder to change your Zoom username to something more suitable for a courtroom setting, if you find yourself in that position sometime soon.

[Anon via YouTube]
