Watch This Guy Take a NERF Dart Right In the Mouth [VIDEO]

If you work in an office, you should have a NERF gun. Why, you ask? Because, they’re fun. Also, because you could end being the star of a viral video.

In the video above, posted to YouTube by Dylan Ervin, we see a man armed with a NERF gun.

The man with the NERF gun invites Dylan into the room to ‘look at something,’ though there is nothing to look at. His plan is to actually shoot Dylan with a NERF gun, which he actually does in the video.

The man is such a good shot with the NERF gun, he actually hits Dylan right in the mouth. Thankfully, Dylan doesn’t choke on the NERF dart, which wouldn’t have been anywhere near as funny.

[Dustin Ervin via YouTube]
