Watch Randy Orton Twist Jeff Hardy’s Ear with a Screwdriver at Hell in a Cell [VIDEO]

In what will certainly be considered one of the highlights of Sunday night’s Hell in a Cell pay-per-view, Randy Orton placed a screwdriver through the gauged earlobe of Jeff Hardy and gave it a good twist.

If you can stomach it, you can see Orton add a screwdriver to Hardy’s ear in the video above.

This was Jeff Hardy’s first Hell in a Cell match and he definitely made it count. Along with nearly having his ear twisted off, Hardy attempted to end the match by hanging from the top of the cell and dropping onto Orton, who was placed atop a table.

Unfortunately, Orton moved out of the way and Hardy fell face first through the table. This, obviously, gave Orton the chance to get the pin.

Hardy was stretchered out of the ring and taken to a local hospital, according to reports.

[WWE via YouTube]

