Watch This Cop Fatally Shoot a Groundhog That’s Blocking Traffic [VIDEO]

A groundhog that was blocking traffic in Maryland met his untimely demise Sunday afternoon, May 6th.

The video above starts harmless enough. A police officer is attempting to assist a groundhog, as it looks to cross the road.

Unfortunately, the groundhog is holding up traffic and it seems the police officer isn’t sure what to do. So, he persuades the groundhog to follow him and then shoots him dead in the street, which is horrifying for the person filming the video.

According to the New York Daily News, the groundhog appeared to be injured and/or sick, which is why the officer decided killing it was the best course of action.

Shooting it dead in the street in front of a whole bunch of people, though, was probably NOT the best course of action.

[CBS News via YouTube]
