Woman Not Allowed to Bring Emotional Support Peacock Onto Flight [VIDEO]

I’m totally on board with someone bringing an emotional support animal onto a flight, especially when that pet is an adorable puppy. A peacock, though? I don’t know, man.

A woman attempted to board a flight at the Newark Liberty International Airport recently with her emotional support peacock in tow, which was, obviously, quite the spectacle.

The woman had actually purchased a ticket for her peacock, so it would have had it’s own seat, but the airline still wouldn’t allow the peacock to take flight.

According to Dexter the Peacock’s Instagram, because, yes, he has one, his owners will now be taking to Los Angeles via ground transportation:


So, if you were planning on taking a trip with your emotional support peacock, you may want to save yourself some time and a headache and simply keep things on the ground.

