This Guy Went Nuts After His Card Was Declined While Trying to Buy M&Ms [VIDEO]

If you don’t remember Thursday’s MVP, it was the guy who went crazy in a convenience store after his card was declined while he was trying to buy M&Ms. Well, now, there’s video.

According to BroBible, this took place in Santa Ana, California back on February 11th, but the video is only being released now, in hopes of identifying the guy that attacked the convenience store cashier.

As you can see in the video, the man attempts to make a purchase, a 75-cent bag of M&Ms purchase, but his card is declined. Instead of doing what any other sane person would do, the guy attacks the cashier, knocking everything on the counter over in the process.

Oh, and he throws bananas at another employee for good measure.

Who knew sugar addiction could be so violent?

