Check Out the New Trailer for Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League’ [VIDEO]

After teasing the new trailer for Zack Snyder’s ‘Justice League,’ Warner Brothers finally dropped it earlier today (3/25).

‘Justice League’ hits theaters in November and features beloved DC Comics superheroes Batman and Wonder Woman. The film will also introduce The Flash, Aqua Man, and Cyborg to the big screen.

Obviously, DC is banking on both this and the new stand-alone ‘Wonder Woman’ film to put them in a position to compete with Marvel, which has been churning out blockbuster after blockbuster for years.

After watching the trailer, which you can see above, I’ll admit that it looks really good, but so did the trailer for ‘Batman v. Superman’ and ‘Suicide Squad.’ We both know how those turned out…not good.

With that said, I’ll still end up in the theater opening weekend, watching some of my favorite superheroes kick some ass.

