This Woman Was Caught Putting Her Own Hair On Food Before Writing Negative Review [VIDEO]

Finding a hair in your food is one of the worst things that can happen to you in a restaurant, unless, of course, you’re the one putting the hair in there in an attempt to get a free meal.

A woman in Australia was recently caught on camera pulling a hair off her head and dropping it into her pasta. She then went home and wrote a negative review on TripAdvisor, hoping that the fact that she ‘found’ a hair in her food would lead to her getting free meals from the Italian restaurant.

Unfortunately for the woman, and fortunately for the restaurant, a security camera caught her dropping the hair on the food.

Her negative review ended up being deleted by TripAdvisor and the restaurant released the footage, which is now available for the world to see.

If I’m this woman, I wouldn’t be expecting good service at a restaurant for the foreseeable future.

