Watch This Bodybuilder Smack the Hell Out Of a Judge [VIDEO]

If you’re in a bodybuilding competition, or any competition for that matter, here’s a quick word of advice: don’t slap the judge.

A man name Giannis Magos wasn’t happy with the outcome of a recent bodybuilding competition in Greece and let everyone know about it. How, you ask? By slapping the sh*t out of a judge, which you can see in the video above.

That wasn’t the end of Magos’ tirade, though, according to BroBible. He also flipped a few tables and, here’s the kicker, he pulled out his penis.

Why did he pull out his penis? No one knows exactly, but, thankfully, that portion of his roid-rage episode didn’t make it onto the video.

[BroBible I YouTube]
