On this date, April 5th, in 1994, Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain died by suicide.
I was just ten years old at the time, but my musical tastes were already being formed thanks to my parents, my favorite local radio station (Z93, of course), and MTV.
And, before his death on April 5th, 1994, Kurt Cobain and Nirvana were all over MTV, which meant that I was all over Nirvana. I remember my dad getting the Nevermind CD courtesy of BMG or Columbia House, you know, one of those mail order CD services, and I remember stealing it from him almost immediately after it arrived in the mail.
From that moment forward, I was all in on Nirvana and grunge, much like a lot of other kids that grew up in the 1990s, and much like other kids in the 90s, Kurt’s death in 1994 hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t quite understand how or why Kurt died at the time, but I knew he was gone and I knew I’d never experience the joy of hearing a new Nirvana song for the first time ever again.
My love for Nirvana has never wavered. They always have been and always will be one of my absolute favorite bands. I actually hosted a Nightly Nirvana segment on my show back when I first started doing nights on Z93 in the mid-2000s. Yeh, that was me. I was Matt The Hat. Let’s not talk about.
So, with all of that said, here are five of my absolute favorite Nirvana songs for you to enjoy, as a way to remember one of the greatest rock stars of all time. I’ve included a couple of songs from their early years (‘Sliver and ‘Negative Creep’), a couple of Nevermind era songs (‘In Bloom’ and ‘Breed’), and ‘You Know You’re Right,’ which was released after Kurt’s death.