The Academy Awards were finally worth watching last night, but not because of any of the awards they handed out.
No, the reason everyone is talking about The Oscars is because Will Smith slapped the hell out of Chris Rock after Rock made a joke about Smith’s wife, Jada.
In the video, you hear Rock make a joke about Jada starring in G.I. Jane 2, which is a reference to her being bald. For those that are unaware, Jada has battled alopecia for a long time, which is an autoimmune condition that leads to hair loss.
At first, Will Smith laughs at the joke, but then he sees that Jade isn’t laughing. So, he walks up on stage and slaps Chris Rock pretty hard. Rock, of course, is dumbfounded.
It is one of the more insane things that’s ever happened at an awards show and, now, I feel obligated to watch all awards shows moving forward, just so I don’t miss something like this again.
You can watch the entire exchange below, courtesy of The Guardian:
[The Guardian via YouTube]