Cows are a lot like us. And, like us, cows fart. When cows fart, methane, a greenhouse gas, is released. This isn’t good for the environment, so Burger King is doing something about it.
Burger King recently announced that they worked with scientists to create a new diet for cattle, which they hope will reduce how often a cow farts in the latter part of their lives.
Does this all sound a bit ridiculous? Sure, and Burger King knows that. That’s why they hired Mason Ramsey, the Walmart yodeler, to sing a song all about their new Reduced Methane Emissions Beef Whopper initiative. Yep, the Walmart yodeler is here to sing about cow farts:
The Reduced Methane Emissions Beef Whopper are being offered at Burger King restaurants in Miami, New York, Austin, Portland, and Los Angeles, according to the video’s description on YouTube.