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Tennis Courts Are Opening Back Up, But This Woman Wants to Remind You to Not Touch the Balls [VIDEO]

Pile of loose tennis balls

If you’re going to play tennis in New York, just know that you can’t touch the balls. You can kick them, but you can’t touch them.

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran held a press conference recently to announce that tennis courts were now open, but there were some restrictions. Those restrictions include only playing singles, having at least one court between games, and bringing your own balls, so you don’t touch somebody else’s.

Had Curran just continued referring to them as tennis balls the entire time, this wouldn’t have been an issue, but, as you can see in the video below, she didn’t:

So, please, don’t touch anyone else’s balls. You can kick them, sure, but don’t touch them.

[dualsportguy via YouTube]
