Watch This Woman Fall Through the Ceiling Trying to Evade Police [VIDEO]

A couple made headlines recently while trying to evade police in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

The whole situation starts when the couple attempts to use a stolen credit card at a convenience store.

When police arrive, the couple bolts. At first, they wrestle with a couple of people at the store’s entrance. It’s at this point that they split up.

The guy makes a move towards the back of the store. Unfortunately, he can’t get through the security doors and the cops are able to catch up with him and tase him.

Meanwhile, the woman also heads towards the back, but she makes her way into the ceiling. A few moments later, she makes her exit through the ceiling and back into the store, where she is subsequently arrested.

If I didn’t know this took place in Canada, I would have assumed it was a Florida video. Because, it seems very Florida.

[ITV News via YouTube]
