You Won’t Believe How Destroyed a Tenant Left This Apartment [VIDEO]

A father/daughter landlord duo recently purchased an apartment sight unseen. When the walked into the apartment for the first time, they were shocked by what they saw.

The apartment, which was located in Hanover, Pennsylvania, was absolutely destroyed, as you can see in the video above.

It wasn’t just the amount of trash that was left behind, but the thousands of Natural Light cans that littered the apartment. In fact, there was so much trash, the former tenant used pizza boxes to create a path for himself to walk through the apartment.

According to the video’s description on YouTube, the former tenant only took his TV and a sex doll with him when he left. How did they know he had a sex doll? Because he left the box behind.

I have a feeling it’s going to be awhile before they’re able to rent this apartment out again.

[ViralHog via YouTube]
