A Little Kid Crawled Under a Bathroom Stall Door to Ask Stranger for Help [VIDEO]

I’ve always wondered why the stall doors in bathrooms don’t go all the way to the floor. Here’s a reason why they probably should.

A dude was dropping a deuce at a Virginia Chick-fil-A when he noticed a very tiny human crawling under the door of the stall he was in.

As the kid crawls in, he informs the pooping man that he’s only there to ask for help washing his hands, which you can see in the video above.

Once the pooping man informs the kid that his mom is waiting for him outside and that she could help, the kid exits the stall, except he doesn’t go out the same way he came in. That’s unfortunate for the pooping man, because he’s now going to have to stand up and lock the door mid-deuce.

From now on, I’m only using stalls where the doors extend all the way to the floor. That’s a new thing for me.

[New York Post via YouTube]
