This Woman Attempts to Order Fries at Burger King, Except She’s at Taco Bell [VIDEO]

A woman recently went into a Taco Bell, thinking it was a Burger King, and attempted to order french fries. It did not go well for her.

As you can see in the video above, the woman is clearly confused as to what restaurant she’s in, though it shouldn’t be that confusing at all. If she’d simply look at the menu, she’d see that she’s at Taco Bell.

That won’t stop this woman, though. She wants her french fries and she wants them now.

Since she’s not going to get them, because, remember, she’s at a Taco Bell, the woman decides to play the race card. That also doesn’t go over all that well.

It’s not clear exactly what this woman’s issue is, but she most certainly has something going on.

