Jerry Seinfeld Definitely Doesn’t Want a Hug from Ke$ha [VIDEO]

When a celebrity hits up a red carpet event, they should plan on hugging a few people they definitely do not want to. Most celebs will get the hug over with and move on, but not Jerry Seinfeld.

At a recent event, one-time pop star Ke$ha ran up to Seinfeld while conducting an interview and told him how much she loved him, before asking for a hug.

Seinfeld politely told her ‘No, thanks,’ which only led Ke$ha to politely ask again if he’d give her a hug. Again, Seinfeld declined, as you can see in the video above.

As she walks away in disappointment, Seinfeld asks the guy interviewing him who she is, because he has no idea.

Poor, poor Ke$ha.

