Chimpanzee Flings Poo On Grandma at Grand Rapids Zoo [VIDEO]

For those that are unaware, monkeys really enjoy flinging their own poop, especially if you taunt them. Unfortunately for this grandma at a Grand Rapids zoo, she had to learn that the hard way.

A family recently visited the John Ball Zoo in Grand Rapids and they made it a point to stop by the chimpanzee enclosure, as it is, obviously, the highlight of any zoo trip.

As the family was viewing the chimps, one got a little upset that it was being taunted, so it pooped in its hand and flung it at everyone watching.

The turd hit grandma right in the face…and stuck there, as you can see in the video above.

The video is now being used as a teaching tool, in an effort to get people to stop taunting the animals at the zoo.

