This Hot Blonde Did Cartwheels to Try and Get Out of Her DUI Arrest [VIDEO]

If you ever get pulled over for driving under the influence, it turns out doing cartwheels won’t help you get out of it.

According to Crave, 23-year old Bryelle Marshall was found passed out in her car in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Officers were able to wake her up, which is when they discovered that she appeared to be ‘extremely intoxicated.’

The officer with the Albuquerque Police Department then asked Marshall to go through a field sobriety test. That’s when she started to do cartwheels, which you can see in the video above.

After a few more attempts to get Marshall to perform the field sobriety tests, and even more cartwheels, she’s arrested.

While at the station, Marshall than attempted to kick another officer in the groin, according to Crave.

Because she’s attractive, here’s a few more pictures of Bryelle, courtesy of her Instagram account:


Playing dress up with no where to go๐Ÿ‘—

A post shared by Bryelle Marshall (@bryelle_6) on Dec 27, 2016 at 7:46pm PST

