Watch This Steelers Fan Get Pushed Out of the Way After Interrupting TV Broadcast

It’s no secret that drunk football fans are some of the worst people on the planet. They become infinitely worse when there’s a TV crew around.

Saturday night (1/14), the New England Patriots defeated the Houston Texans to advance to the AFC Championship game.

For whatever reason, there was a Pittsburgh Steelers fan on hand and, after the game, he rolled up on a TV crew talking about the Patriots’ victory. That’s when he made his move, interrupting the broadcast to shout ‘STEELERS!’ Surprisingly enough, he didn’t add any vulgarity.

The reporter that was hosting the live shot would be having none of the Steelers fan’s antics, though, and promptly shoved him out of the way, which you can see in the video above.

Is this even funny anymore? Can’t we just let these people do their jobs?

